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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Omar A. : Preparing For Job Hunting

Some salient points, taken verbatim from featured youtube video:

1. Create a list of 25 - 50 targeted employers who might use your skills.

2. Find out who makes the hiring decisions for the position that you are looking for within one of your listed companies. You are going to call until you speak to that person.

3. Communicate clearly to said person, your accomplishments and key characteristics. For example: your name, your background, and the kind of work you are looking for. In addition, you will ask this person if you can forward a resume to them.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a different potential employer.


  1. When you say 'taken verbatim' you mean it! I think you could also mention the points she makes earlier on, such as having your information ready before you take on these steps. If you emphasize the points she was just touched on without detail, and then said the next step is in the video and put the video underneath, it would all fit together much better, I think. Also be sure to use 'I' when posting. Good choice of video and information, though, very accurate and fits your topic.

  2. The info is a little vague, you needed to be more descriptive! Although the movie does fill in the gaps. I like the way you listed the information it makes it easy to skim over!

  3. I agree with the ease of skimming over. The spaces between points helps with this. The only big suggestion I have is as Penny said: Try to use "I" in your posts. Good video choice.

  4. Short, sweet and to the point! Your post and correlating video were very good, they would be very helpful for someone preparing for job hunting. Although I think your post was enjoyable I still would have liked to hear from you! What are some things that you would recommend from your experiences?

  5. What about your experience with job hunting. More VOICE....more "I" more your story!!!
