Words that Count is dedicated to enhancing the professional communication, within and between accounting firms, through efficient drafting of any and all necessary documents.

Monday, March 15, 2010

How Accounting & Writing Will Increase Your Profits , JoeyR

This blog is to contribute to the writing process of accounting so i thought i would share some knowledge as far as writing and accounting. Writing in accounting will be extremely useful when you have to write one of your customers an email, a letter, whatever it may be writing is super important to know and understand how to use proper grammar everything to write very effective letters.

Not only is writing important to learn for accounting but in all aspects of your life. A well written email to one of your clients could totally change their decision about using you to do their taxes that year instead of using one of your competitors. Not only is writing effective emails useful to improving your business skills but writing an effective email to one of your associates is useful as well to improve the workplace environment and have a more effectively run workplace.

Enough about writing and how it is effective though, lets talk about how accounting and writing will effectively increase your sales, and revenue. Imagine this, an effective sales letter that you learned how to write through lets say a professional writing class. This is a super effective way to increase your profits, so take all of this information I have shared with you and use it wisely in the future because it will be proven to increase your revenue.


  1. Very good job, Joey! I would love to see you in the chat forum sharing ideas with others, you did so well!

    ~Penny Pike~

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't believe you did one already. I'm still trying to brainstorm ideas for my blog. Hopefully your early post will get everybody in gear to do theirs quicker. Nice job!!

  4. Wow you're really ahead of the game. Good job with the opening post. That'll peak the readers' interest so they'll read the rest of our posts. My only suggestion would be to include your first name and last initial in the title to avoid losing points. You showed great initiative by publishing the first post so early.

  5. I definitely think that your title has some truth to it. I think a professional and persuasive letter is just what it takes to grab and hold onto valuable customers. The more clients you can reel in, the higher your revenues will be. Coming form someone who did a blog post on writing correctly, I did see just a couple mistakes, nothing serious though. Great and clever post Joey. I look forward to reading more!


  6. I actually have to disagree with Chad because this title is not appropriate. It should be something more catchy, and should include your name and last initial (I believe). If you join the group forum the schedule is posted, you have been assigned topics for the remaining weeks.


    Ps. Chad: "Coming FORM someone who did a blog post on writing correctly..." Hahahaha

  7. I think you did a really good job except for some writing errors in the first paragraph. "i". Other than that good post.

  8. Penny, I'm a victim to my own message. :0 oopse!

  9. Good post and way to get it done early. It was good to have such a colorful picture to attract attention. Watch out for run-on sentences. Multiple short sentences give the reader a chance to pause and digest before going on to more information. Other than that I think this is a good start to our blog!

  10. Thanks for all the feedback guys much appreciated

  11. Very good job on the post and image selection. I like how you emphasized how important writing is in the business world and how effective is in increasing sales profits.
